Here is a method i've picked up. This allows me to create more random interesting shapes and allow 'accidents' to happen. I quite like the ideas on this page. I rekon I'll use this method more as its great fun, give it a whirl!
Thanks man, I got the idea off a tutorial DVD I saw. Literally block them in, in black to make a nice silouhuette then cut them in with an eraser (in PS obv) for the detail. I'm almost toying with leaving them this monochrome way when I flesh them out for the LG world, As I say I just need three, Cronus, Atlas and Oceanus.
I ADORE these. How did you do them? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS?
Honestly, these are great. I can really imagine them being peppered through the pitch document as page breakers. Awesome
Thanks man, I got the idea off a tutorial DVD I saw. Literally block them in, in black to make a nice silouhuette then cut them in with an eraser (in PS obv) for the detail. I'm almost toying with leaving them this monochrome way when I flesh them out for the LG world, As I say I just need three, Cronus, Atlas and Oceanus.
Oh God yes. Huge, lumbering black Titans - I love it. Give them this kind of spooky, ancient statue quality.
Wonderful, love them.
And yes back to basics, no more cg!
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