Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Night Watch Character Designs: Anton Gorodetsky (v1)

In my effort to beef out my more realistic character work in my repetoire I've decided to illustrate the main characters in the Night Watch trilogy of books. There are set in the real world but have a supernatural twist. I've taken descriptions from the book and along with some artistic licence come up with my own interpretation.

For my first attempt I'm generally happy with the way it turned out. The pose is a little flat and it is devoid of much expression but I've planned a cast shot so it should make more sense once all characters are in situ. The character isnt completely finished, I'll be tweaking once I have all of the cast in place no doubt. What I can actually see happening is that as I develop my style with the other paintings I'll end up revisiting this again. Annoying but getting better is the point right?

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